Apila Group got acquainted with the charring method created by Hiil Oy, which is a unique way to recycle wood into new valuable products.
Hiil Oy’s goal is to stop wasting wood by giving waste and waste wood a new life as a spectacular Kiertopuu®️ product. In the process, the surface of the wood is cleaned, and structurally weak points are removed before carbonizing and brushing the surface of the wood. The company’s operation is circular economy at its best: the goal is to save natural resources and prevent waste generation by utilizing waste wood. The energy-efficient manufacturing method also strives for energy self-sufficiency.
Apila Group is a professional in industrial side streams and material development – get expert knowledge from us to support your material and product development.
Contact: Kirsi Mononen, kirsi.mononen@apilagroup.fi, tel. +358 45111 3606