The new customer promise created as a result of enhanced strategy work reflects the company’s values and way of working. At the same time, the customer promise better articulates the benefits Apila’s customers receive.
Agile, innovative and practical services for the bio and circular economy. From material and product development to productization and ecosystems – the end result can always be integrated into the current business so you get the best return on your investment. – Apila’s customer promise
According to the customer satisfaction survey published at the beginning of the year, we have succeeded in delivering on our customer promise – doing business with Apila is easy, schedules are adhered to, and action is concrete. “We act as if we were part of the customer’s organization: efficiently and with profit responsibility first, listening to the customer,” explains Mervi Matilainen, Managing Director of Apila Group.
Apila’s customer promise brings out what our customers value in Apila’s operations: we offer our customers interdisciplinary expertise and do practical tests and investigations, even on a tight schedule. “At Apila, we have invested in customer-oriented and innovative out-of-the-box thinking. We understand what the customer wants, and with the help of our high-quality chemistry expertise, we have been able to implement even challenging projects.”
The company’s staff gather closely around the same table to come up with ideas and solve customers’ concerns. Even before the projects start, we analyse the most important goal in the case of the customer – the one from which the most genuine benefit is generated. “Customer understanding is important to us. With our customer promise, we also assure that all the work we do for customers starts from knowing the company’s business environment. We aim for the solutions we develop to work within the company’s current business,” Mervi Matilainen says.
The customer promise also guides Apila’s internal development work. “Based on the customer satisfaction survey, our customers want us to have a stronger profile to stand out from our competitors. We want to be a low-threshold R&D partner for our customers, and with our longest-standing customers, we have succeeded in building such a relationship of trust. Locally in North Karelia, we are a well-known and recognized operator in our field. We have customers all over Finland, but our recognition must be even more effective.”
The fulfilment of the customer promise will be closely monitored in the future with customer satisfaction surveys and always at the end of the projects. “Our customer promise has been shaped together with our staff, and our employees are committed to redeeming the customer promise for each of our customers,” Matilainen sums up.
Apila Group Oy Ab was founded in 2006 to create a new, innovative and successful business without making concessions at the expense of future generations. The company’s slogan, “Closing the loops”, sums up Apila’s services and operating idea to promote the bio- and circular economy throughout the entire life cycle of products and materials.
Read more about the results of Apila’s customer satisfaction survey here.