Rainy autumn days are perfect for staying inside and cleaning. In accordance with good practices, Apila conducts an annual chemical inventory. That’s why we’re talking a little about chemicals now.
Chemicals are everywhere around us. Most are useful and harmless when used correctly, but there are exceptions. The goal is that the chemicals do not endanger people’s health, and do not deteriorate the state of the environment. That is why, for example, industrial production aims to get rid of harmful chemicals. In a circular economy, chemical safety must be taken into account in the entire process, from product design to production and use.
In a circular economy, the aim is to lighten the chemical load on the environment by preferring as mild chemicals as possible, and by ensuring that they are used only when needed and in moderation. At Apila, we make strong use of green chemistry. Green chemistry refers to products and manufacturing methods that aim to be developed as environmentally friendly and energy efficient as possible, avoiding toxic and harmful starting materials.

The management of chemicals in companies is particularly important, but few think that attention should also be paid to the safe storage and use of chemicals used at home.
Five tips for the correct storage of chemicals:
- Store acidic (pH below 7) and basic (pH above 7) chemicals separately.
- Keep flammable liquids separate from other chemicals.
- Store the products in their original packaging and make sure that the packaging of the products is intact and does not leak.
- Store chemicals at the right temperature.
- Follow the warnings and instructions on the label.
Do you need a green chemistry perspective for your company? Contact us and we’ll talk more! Kirsi Mononen, kirsi.mononen@apilagroup.fi, tel. +358 45 111 3606