A variety of soils, industrial sidestreams and waste materials can be utilised to manufacture recycled soils, soil improvers, growing media and fertilisers. Apila Group has carried out projects for its customers related to the productisation of various recycled materials and the customisation of growing media and recycled nutrients, in which various industrial by-products have been utilised in multiple ways.
Reasons to use recycled soil materials and nutrients:
- Improving soil productivity and nutrient balance
- Material efficiency of construction projects and regional circulation of raw materials
- Less energy consumption and emissions from transport
- Improving nutrient self-sufficiency
- Reducing the use of virgin natural resources and protecting biodiversity
- New products and business opportunities
With our services, you ensure the potential of recycled soil material and fertiliser products and meet quality requirements
Sidestream fractions or recycled materials are chemically analysed to determine their growth medium, soil improvement and nutrient effects. Different mixtures are prepared to find the most suitable mixture for the application under the legislation and authorisation procedure. Based on the analysis results, Apila Group evaluates the suitability of the recycled soil material as a fertiliser preparation and soil improver, and if necessary, we assist in applying for type designation approval and commercialisation. The potential of the fertiliser preparation and the growth medium of the mixtures can be confirmed by stabilisation and growth experiments.
Check out our projects here:
Are you interested? Contact: Kirsi Mononen, kirsi.mononen@apilagroup.fi, puh. 050 5140 390.