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A new type of circular economy plant will be completed in Loppi municipality in Finland. The plant will produce high-quality recycled rubber from used tires. Apila Group is preparing a business ecosystem with the recycled rubber plant and the product manufacturing industry. 

The project aims to ensure, through business co-operation, that the material fractions produced at the new tire recycling plant in Finland meet the requirements of the products. The co-operation aims to enable the availability of domestic circular economy raw material in Finland that meets industry needs. 

The project includes: 

  • Evaluating the mechanical and chemical properties of the recycled material. 
  • Studying the raw material possibilities in various plastic and rubber composite products and different manufacturing technologies. 
  • The production of test pieces and test experiments. 

The needs of the industry for raw materials and open issues are mapped through interviews with materials experts. A joint project is planned with interested companies, including preparing a funding application. In a possible joint venture, the purpose is to deepen product development to ensure the recoverability of recycled rubber and to increase the circular economy rate of industrial products. 

Additional information: Pirjo Rinnepelto, +358 40 1494251,